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25K Event


The 50K and 25K courses turn right from Route 155 at the Buttonwood Motel and passes through a gate onto the Wiley Trail.  From the start to the gate is 1.32 miles.  The Wiley Trail is used as a snowmobile route during the winter and is wide enough for a jeep.  This trail goes up the mountain and crosses into Climax Hollow and proceeds up the hollow until it encounters the Bauer Hollow Road a distance of 1.80 miles. 


The course bears left onto the Bauer Hollow Road for 1.91 miles until it intersects the Steam Mill road.  Bauer Hollow and Steam Mill are both dirt roads with very limited traffic.   This intersection is the location for Aid Station 1.


The course follows the Steam Mill road to the right for 0.40 miles where it turns left onto the Mowray Trail.  The Mowray crosses the Bucktail Path after 0.45 miles and is now named the Chicago Springs Trail.   


The short course has followed the long course until the intersection of the Mowray/ Chicago Springs trail and the Bucktail Path.  At this intersection the short course is marked with blue ribbons and white signs with blue arrows.  Where the Mowray crosses the Bucktail Path, the short course turns left onto the Bucktail Path and proceeds 2.68 miles to where it intersects Steam Mill Road.  The course turns left onto Steam Mill and follows the road 2.45 miles to the intersection of Steam Mill and the Bauer Hollow road.  This will also be Aid Station 2 for the short course.   From this point to the finish the short course follows the directions for the Sinnemahone race after their aid station 6.

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